This blog is one of my firsts & naturally, there is a thin line of excitement bubbling up. Thinner relatively, not because of a just-as-thin whim to blog, rather because of the ever changing priorities. Nevertheless, I will ‘write on’. Write, on ‘Om!’. Om has always got me awestruck. A single word. A single syllable. Entails the whole Universe. Yet stands for One. Oneness in everything fascinates me. More so, when it is a fusion of parallels. Fact nested in fiction, serious comedy, a constant change, a rainbow, an ever so grand simplicity, aged innocence, a salsa of melody with hip-hop, Yin Yang, Ardhanareeswarar, the language of silence, one heart dissolving into another (if you know what I mean!) and the mysterious blue Ocean flowing far and deep into the colossus, honest sky; so much so that the perceiver’s senses melt away & the perceiver becomes one with the perceived! …
Epic Interview Fail moments !
9 years ago
I have told you this before.The depth with which you write is not easy for simple minds like mine.I had to read it a few times to reallllllly understand the clarity of your write-up. Impressed. Keep it going.I will check daily! So "No Pressure" (But hey i still got more marks than you in 12th Std English Exam - 189/200) Beat that :)
Impressed. Awe-struck. I knew that you got a good vocabulary but never thought u could write so well. Keep writing/posting. Btw, I could not understand some bits of it like Aged Innocence,thin whim, e.t.c. It definitely needs a mature mind to understand the whole.All in All, good start.Try converting these 'Om'thoughts into actions, u will enjoy the whole universe truly.All the best.
Lot of thought provoking stuff huh!!! But then why such a spiritual start??!! It reminds me of a few poetic lines that we were forced to read as when we grew up in School! Especially when i read those relating to the sky and ocean... But it takes a lot of thought to really understand every bit of if... sure enough that you've put in a serious thought to atleast this little thing...!! Try doing this to a few other things in life that really need immediate action by setting priorities and try not to procrastinate! Let this be the period to your inherent procrastination and the big bang for getting things started!! Good going!!
hey hey...hold on.
too much....not for my kinda head
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